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Advanced Javascript
How to edit and run code in Chrome? (1:38)
Welcome (4:32)
1. What is "use strict" and what does it do? (9:51)
2. Does javascript pass variables by reference or by value? (5:00)
Quiz 1
Types & Equality
3. What are the different types in javascript? (9:29)
4. What is the difference between == and ===? (6:37)
5. What is NaN and how can we check for it? (5:27)
Quiz 2
6. What are the different scopes in javascript? (3:57)
7. What is variable hoisting? (4:43)
8. What is the scope chain? (4:10)
9. What is an IIFE and why might you use it? (6:04)
10. What are function closures? (12:09)
Quiz 3
Object Orientation
11. What does the this keyword mean? (13:11)
12. What do the functions call, bind and apply do? (20:19)
13. What is the prototype chain? (11:41)
14. What is the difference between prototypal and classical inheritance? (3:07)
Quiz 4
15. What is the Constructor OO pattern? (part 1) (19:46)
15. What is the Constructor OO pattern? (part 2) (12:22)
16. What is the Prototype OO pattern? (15:50)
Quiz 5
17. What is CORS? (17:55)
18. What is CORS? (11:50)
Quiz 6
19. What is the difference between event capturing and bubbling? (8:13)
19. What is the difference between event capturing and bubbling? (5:13)
Quiz 7
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