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AngularJS 1.x: From Zero to Awesome
Course Overview (2:17)
Angular 2.0 (4:48)
OPTIONAL: How to develop with Chrome? (13:20)
OPTIONAL: Which IDE/Editor I use to develop with? (6:53)
IMPORTANT: Course structure, access to sample and completed code
How to submit and validate a form in AngularJS
Section2 Introduction (3:00)
Example code for Section 2
Data Binding (2:04)
Controllers & Modules (8:02)
Submitting a form using $http (3:25)
Form validation using HTML5 (4:10)
Form validation using core AngularJS (14:23)
Form validation using Angular Auto Validate (13:24)
User feedback with Ladda buttons (4:58)
Creating a list application with searching and sorting
Section3 Introduction (2:01)
Example code for Section 3
Looping in AngularJS (5:59)
Handling clicks (3:42)
Showing details when clicking on a row (4:14)
How to implement client side searching (9:09)
How to implement client side ordering (5:46)
User feedback (5:10)
Debugging Tools, Tips and Tricks
CORRECTION: Debugging AngularJS Applications
How to debug your AngularJS applications (4:30)
Deep dive into scope
Section5 Introduction (1:34)
Example code for Section 5
Understanding Scope: Child Scope (5:25)
Understanding Scope: Root Scope (4:15)
Understanding Scope: The Dot Notation (3:58)
Communicating between controllers using Services
Example code for Section 6
Breaking out the list application into two controllers (2:49)
Sharing data between controllers using rootScope (1:33)
Sharing data between controllers using Services (1:19)
Creating our first service (2:16)
Consuming our service in our controllers (5:26)
Connect our application to a REST API using ngResource
Section7 Introduction (2:15)
Example code for Section 7
What are resources? (2:14)
CodeCraft API Token (1:16)
Configuring AngularJS resources (3:15)
Creating our first resource (5:57)
Setting up ngInfinateScroll (3:26)
Implementing pagination (4:16)
Removing client side searching & sorting (1:39)
Watch scope variables for changes (1:47)
Server side sorting & ordering (4:30)
Adding a loading spinner (4:23)
Showing a warning when no results are returned (1:25)
Convert the detail panel to a form (4:48)
Update a contact using our resource (7:33)
Delete a contact using our resource (3:25)
Create a bootstrap modal using angularStrap (5:14)
Reusing snippets of HTML with ng-include (4:20)
Creating a contact using our resource (5:26)
Promises in AngularJS with the $q service (5:05)
Display images with ng-src (2:24)
Adding a datepicker using angularStrap (3:18)
Adding toaster messages with angularjsToaster (4:40)
Adding font awesome (4:47)
Adding a material design bootstrap theme (2:29)
Create template functions with Filters
Example code for Section 8
Creating custom filters (8:23)
Convert the application into an SPA using uiRouter
Section9 Introduction (0:49)
Example code for Section 9
What is a Single Page Application? (3:57)
Setup and install uiRouter (1:36)
Deciding on our URL routes (1:25)
Creating our List route (1:54)
ui-view (3:52)
Defining a controller for a route (1:52)
Creating our Edit route (1:40)
Exposing the routes parameters in the controller (1:29)
Prefer ui-sref over ng-href (4:20)
Implementing the Edit route (1:51)
Redirecting to another url using $state.go (3:22)
Controllers vs Services (7:12)
Implementing the Create route (7:16)
Highlighting menu items using ui-sref-active (1:49)
Multiple named views using uiRouter (6:06)
A better search with ng-model-options (2:00)
Creating reusable components with Directives
Section10 Introduction (1:14)
Example code for Section 10
Introduction to Directives (2:50)
Creating a directive for our spinner (4:12)
Restrict and the 3 ways to define directives (2:28)
Everything is just a directive (1:21)
Understanding Transclude (1:29)
Isolate Scope (2:29)
Understanding Isolate Scope = (2:41)
A way to think about directives (1:08)
Understanding Isolate Scope @ (2:30)
Creating a business card directive (4:52)
Understanding Isolate Scope & (4:08)
Defining a controller for our directive (4:22)
How to structure complex AngularJS projects
Deciding on our URL routes
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